Local Events and Other Links

Laramie Tea Party FaceBook Page

Wyoming Liberty Group http://wyliberty.org/

UW Calendar of events http://www.uwyo.edu/uw/calendar/index.html

Laramie Live http://business.laramie.org/events/

News From Nowhere http://newsfromnowhere.info/events-calendar/

Albany County Tourism http://visitlaramie.org/plan-your-trip/events-calendar/

Laramie Live http://laramielive.com/events-laramie/

Centennial events http://www.centenniallibrary.net/calendar.html

This links to a video in which George Will speaks about common core. http://eaglerising.com/6109/conservative-destroys-fox-news-juan-williams-unmasks-common-core/

More links regarding common core:




Get Accurate Up To Date News Here:  http://www.renewamerica.com/

Big Horn Basin Tea Party http://bighornbasinteaparty.com/

Jackson Hole Tea Party www.JacksonHoleTeaParty.com

Upcoming Events



Interim joint committee meeting for the Labor, Health and Human Services committee

Monday, December 15th & Tuesday December 16th, 8:00 am

Gov. Mead and the legislature are in the process of making decisions regarding the expansion of Medicaid in order to obtain federal funding – funding that will disappear in a few years leaving Wyoming on the hook to fund the thousands more added to medicaid rolls.

If you would be willing to attend the meeting and possibly make a short public statement while there. IF you’re interested, please use the Contact Us page on this site so that we can pass on to you some concise talking points along with background information to help you understand more of why medicaid expansion is such a bad idea.

Laramie Tea Party Meeting

 Monday, January 12th, 7:00 – 9:00 pm 

 Albany County Courthouse, enter north east side of courthouse use the ramp that goes to basement, we meet in the county commissioners room first door on left

Speaker: TBA

Topic: TBA

Albany County Republican Party

Tuesday, January 13th, 7:00 pm

Regular scheduled meeting

West Laramie Fire Station

Laramie Tea Party Meeting

Monday, February 9th, 7:00 – 9:00 pm 

Albany County Courthouse, enter north east side of courthouse use the ramp that goes to basement, we meet in the county commissioners room first door on left

Speaker: TBA

Topic:  TBA

Albany County Republican Party

Tuesday, February 10th, 7:00 pm

Regular scheduled meeting

West Laramie Fire Station

Laramie Tea Party Meeting

Monday, March 9th, 7:00 – 9:00 pm 

Albany County Courthouse, enter north east side of courthouse use the ramp that goes to basement, we meet in the county commissioners room first door on left

Speaker: TBA

Topic:  TBA

Albany County Republican Party

Tuesday, March 10th, 7:00 pm

Regular scheduled meeting

West Laramie Fire Station