Elections and Government Officials Contact Information

This page is dedicated to providing contact information for elected Government officials and the appointed boards and commissions. It will also be used as a got to source for candidates who are running for public office. This page is a work in progress so if you have additional info to add please use the comment form at the end of this page or use the “Contact Us” page. Your help is greatly appreciated.

PUBLIC Debates Between Candidates for various Wyoming Offices

Go to this website for information on all of the Candidate Debates sponsored by Wyoming PBS from Aug. 11-14:  http://www.wyomingpbs.org/debates.php


Watch the debates LIVE or listen on Wyoming Public Radio Monday through Thursday, August 11-14.


The public is invited to attend the live debates at the Little Theater on the Central Wyoming Campus in Riverton. Those who wish to attend are welcome, however no questions will be taken from the in-house audience. Those planning to attend should be seated 15 minutes prior to broadcast. No signs, buttons, campaign literature or paraphernalia will be allowed in the Little Theater.


August 11

7 p.m.

Republican Candidates

Cindy Hill
Matt Mead
Taylor Haynes

8 p.m.

State Treasurer
Republican Candidates

Mark Gordon
Ron Redo

August 12

7 p.m.

Superintendent of Public Instruction
Republican Candidates

Bill Winney
Jillian Balow
Sheryl Lain

8 p.m.

U.S House of Representatives
Republican Candidates

Cynthia Lummis
Jason Adam Senteney

August 13

7 p.m.

Secretary of State
Republican Candidates

Clark Stith
Ed Buchanan
Ed Murray
Pete Illoway

August 14

7:30 p.m.

U. S. Senate
Democratic Candidates

Charlie Hardy
Rex Wilde

8 p.m.

U. S. Senate
Republican Candidates

Arthur Bruce Clifton
Bryan E. Miller
Mike Enzi
Thomas Bleming


All debates will be rebroadcast on Wyoming PBS throughout the week as follows:

Governor: Tuesday, August 12 at 1 p.m. and Sunday, August 17 at 10 a.m.
Treasurer: Tuesday, August 12 at 2 p.m. and Sunday, August 17 at 11 a.m.
Superintendent of Public Instruction: Wednesday, August 13 at 1 p.m. and Sunday, August 17 at 11:30 a.m.
U.S. House: Wednesday, August 13 at 2 p.m. and Sunday, August 17 at 12:30 p.m.
Secretary of State: Thursday, August 14 at 1 p.m. and Sunday, August 17 at 1 p.m.
U.S. Senate (D): Friday, August 15 at 1:30 p.m. and Sunday, August 17 at 2 p.m.
U.S. Senate (R): Friday, August 15 at 2 p.m. and Sunday, August 17 at 2:30 p.m.

List of who has registered for the primary.

Sec of State Jennifer Young is also running on the Constitution Party ticket.

I did not create the list. The Constitution Party may only be on the General Election Ballot.

Voting Info and County Website

United States Senator
Republican Arthur Bruce Clifton 307-214-1283 nm_clifton@hotmail.com
Republican Bryan E. Miller 307-706-4557 bryan.miller@bem-intl.com
Republican James ‘Coaltrain’ Gregory 888-668-6368 jimgforsenate@gmail.com
Republican Mike Enzi 307-514-6403 mike@enziforwyoming.com
Republican Thomas Bleming 307-334-2507 no email/URL provided
Democratic Al Hamburg 307-532-7710 no email/URL provided
Democratic Charlie Hardy 307-635-2276 runwithcharlie2014@gmail.com
Democratic Rex Wilde 307-365-0386 no email/URL provided
Democratic William Bryk 348-497-5972 wmbryk@gmail.com
United States Representative
Republican Cynthia  Lummis 307-630-7704 micahxensen@gmail.com
Republican Jason Adam Senteney 307-575-5925 jasonasenteneyforcongress@gmail.com
Democratic Richard Grayson 480-688-1954 richard.grayson@yahoo.com
Republican Cindy Hill 307-286-0479 hill4governor@gmail.com
Republican Matt Mead 307-514-6591 mattmead@meadforgovernor.com
Republican Taylor H. Haynes 307-587-4535 rangebeef@aol.com
Democratic Pete Gosar 307-760-3219 gosar4gov@gmail.com
Secretary of State
Republican Clark Stith 307-389-7735 clarkstith@clarkstith.com
Republican Ed Buchanan 307-575-2251 ed@buchananforsecretaryofstate.com
Republican Ed Murray 307-635-2026 ed@murraywyo.com
Republican Pete Illoway 307-514-3785 pete@peteilloway.com
State Auditor
Republican Cynthia I. Cloud 307-250-2146 cirrus1438@bresnan.net
State Treasurer
Republican Mark Gordon 307-621-0095 mark@markgordon4wyoming.com
Republican Ron Redo 307-287-1385 ronredo4@gmail.com
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Republican Bill Winney 307-413-1506 bill.winney@hotmail.com
Republican Jillian Balow 307-828-1472 jillian4supt@gmail.com
Republican Sheryl Lain 307-631-0637 sheryl@lainforsuperintendent.com
Democratic Mike Ceballos 307-632-1631 mikeforeducation@gmail.com
State Senator 9
Democratic Chris Rothfuss 307-399-3556 rothfuss@wyoming.com
State Senator 11
Republican Larry Hicks 307-383-7192 lhickshunts@yahoo.com
State Representative 13
Democratic Cathy Connolly 307-399-0482 cathy@connollyforhouse.com
State Representative 14
Republican Kermit C. Brown 307-745-7358 kbrown@wyoatty.com
State Representative 45
Republican Charles (C.J.) Young 307-321-1501 charles.young.II@gmail.com
Democratic Charles F. Pelkey 307-214-2975 Charles@Pelkey.com
State Representative 46
Republican Glenn Moniz 307-745-4711 gmoniz@bresnan.net
Democratic Mike Selmer 307-343-5972 mpsfamily@gmail.com
State Representative 47
Republican Jerry Paxton 307-327-5373 jpaxton@union-tel.com
Republican Julie McCallister 307-343-3663 juliemccallister47@hotmail.com
County Commissioner
Republican Jon K. Essley 307-761-0091 jonessley@msn.com
Republican Jerry M. Kennedy  307-322-2345 jkennedy@wyoming.com
Republican Ray McElwee 307-399-4779 ray@mcwyo.com
Republican Mike Osterman 307-742-3967 mikeeosterman@gmail.com
Republican Heber Richardson Not on File 1honeywagon@gmail.com
Democratic Tim Chesnut Not on File tchesnut@yahoo.com
Democratic Pat Gabriel 307-399-2120 commish@uwyo.edu
Democratic Gary Wilken 307-742-6385 WilkenForCommissioner@aol.com
County Coroner
Democratic Jennifer Graham 307-742-0611 no email/URL provided
Democratic Jesse L. Taylor Not on File taylor.taylor307@gmail.com
Democratic Kathleen Vernon 307-760-1644 kc.vernon@gmail.com
County Attorney
Republican James P. “Jim” Schermetzler 307-742-3370 jim@jim4attorney.com
Republican Joshua J. Merseal 307-343-0317 joshuamerseal@yahoo.com
Democratic Tony S. Lopez 307-399-5177 tslopez@hotmail.com
Democratic Peggy A. Trent 307-214-2975 peggytrent2@gmail.com
County Sheriff
Democratic Dave O’Malley 307-399-8408 domalley@co.albany.wy.us
County Clerk
Democratic Jackie R. Gonzales 307-745-5600 acclerkgonzales@yahoo.com
County Treasurer
Democratic Linda Simpson 307-721-3836 linda1306@gmail.com
County Assessor
Republican Dana Brewer Not on File danabrewer47@yahoo.com
Democratic Grant C. Showacre 307-742-7008 gshowacre@yahoo.com
Clerk of the District Court
Republican Janice Sexton 307-399-1269 jsexton@co.albany.wy.us
Democratic Tony Mendoza 307-399-5542 tonymendoza47@gmail.com
Laramie City Council Ward 1
Andrea “Andi” Summerville 307-399-0964 asummerville@cityoflaramie.org
Laramie City Council Ward 2
Oscar Lilley Not on File olilley@uwyo.edu
Dave Paulekas 307-742-7687 dpaulekas@aol.com
Laramie City Council Ward 3
Bern Haggerty 360-920-3153 bernhaggerty@gmail.com
Klaus Hanson Not on file klaushanson@yahoo.com
Lee Kempert 307-745-7978 no email/URL provided
Karl McCraken 307-760-3116 karlmcc@aol.com
Bryan Shuster 307-761-0855 bdshustwyo@yahoo.com