Legislators Ask to Hear from the People!
The budget footnote that prohibited the adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards demonstrates that the legislature is responding to the people’s concerns over standards adoption and data collection and sharing in Wyoming.
We now have a tremendous opportunity before us! This is the legislature’s way of responding to the flood of communication they’ve received over education issues this year, and it’s a golden opportunity to be heard.
Let legislators know that you think the State Board should be an elected body, accountable to the people, not political appointees.
This would begin a return to local control over education in Wyoming.
THIS FRIDAY April 25th
Joint Education Committee Hearing
Room 302 of the Capitol Building
This public hearing is dealing with the organization of state administration of public education. One of the proposals has been to make the State Board of Education an elected, rather than appointed, body.
You may find the meeting announcement and a link to the agenda here: http://legisweb.state.wy.us/interimCommittee/2014/04MTG0425.pdf
The Joint Education Committee meeting will be streamed live Friday from the Legislature’s Website. http://legisweb.state.wy.us
Here are your ACTION ITEMS!
1. If possible, plan to attend the hearing and testify. Appearing in person has the greatest impact and allows you an opportunity establish relationship and credibility with legislators before and after the meeting. Bring 15 copies of your testimony or submit them to Dave Nelson at lso@wyoleg.gov.
2. If you cannot attend, contact Dave Nelson (email above) with your written testimony, saying you are unable to attend but want to submit comment for the April 25th meeting of the Joint Education Committee.
Thank you for your help as we work to bring local control back to Wyoming Education!