Enzi advocates more scrutiny of EPA rule making
The Administration’s current Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rulemaking seems designed more to improve the political environment for President Obama’s allies than it is actually improving the environment. According to Enzi, the EPA is constantly overstepping it’s bounds and as one of the most rampant job-killing bureaucracies our country has ever seen this agency needs to be put in check.
“I’m cosponsoring an amendment authored by Senator John Thune that would stop the EPA from finalizing greenhouse gas regulations on new and existing power plants if those regulations would destroy jobs or raise energy prices,” Enzi said.
Enzi is also cosponsoring another Thune, R-S.D., amendment that would hold the EPA accountable to taxpayers by increasing Congressional oversight of costly regulations. Thune’s amendment would require Congress to vote on any EPA regulation with costs greater than $50 million per year before that regulation could take effect.
Another measure Enzi cosponsored is a bill introduced by Senator Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., that would block the EPA from finalizing any new major regulation until the agency analyzes the economic impact of its current air regulations.